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Automation Intro and Setup
Automation Intro and Setup

The latest automation enables bot to start the tasks automatically when shock drop or sporadic restock is detected with in-house monitor

MEKRobotics Support Team avatar
Written by MEKRobotics Support Team
Updated over a week ago

Automation Setup

Click the Automation button and then click Create Automation.

Setup panel will display as shown below

< Automation Name > Any name at your discretion.

< Sites > Sites automation would monitor on. You may choose specific sites or Select All Sites.

< Keyword Group > You can choose no Keyword Group as None or selected Keyword Group (need preset)

< Keyword > Keyword section supports keywords and links.

< Profiles > Profiles for automation task group.

< Task Quantity > Total number of tasks for automation task group. The limit is 40 for each automation group.

< Size >

< Proxy > Proxy for task running when automation detects the drop/restock.

< Restock Size Monitor Filter > Number of sizes restocked one time. Normal you can leave it as 0. Restock Size Amount Filter is useful when being complementary with Keyword Group for running random restock. For example, if you set it as 2, only when the certain item in your keyword group restocking 2 or more sizes like Size 6 and Size 7, it will be picked up for checkout.

< Captcha Service > We now support 3rd party for captcha solving, which includes checkpoint, checkout, login captcha solving. You may choose your 3rd party after you set it up under Tools tab in Cap Gen. Otherwise, you can select None.

< Min/Max Price >

< Auto Stop Delay > Minutes for your tasks to run after automation detects the drop/restock. If you set as 5, task group will be deleted in 5 min. Do not set to 0.

< Shopify Mode > Safe and/or Fast.

< Account Pool > If any of the site you would like to run automation on requires account to check out, account pool is required to be turned on.

< Cart Quantity > Unless you want multiple quantities per order, set it as 1.

< Risky SKU Match > Risky Emmm.

When all blanks are filled in, hit Save.

You now should be able to see the automation group you just created as shown below. With Monitoring in green as shown, the automation is running successfully.

Automation Update

To make any change(s) to certain automation group, simply click the group, and make changes accordingly and then click Update.

Automation Stop

To stop certain automation group, click the group and click Stop.

You now should be able to see the automation group you just stopped as shown below. With Stopped in red as shown, the automation is stopped successfully.

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